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Scottsdale Civic Center Masterplan 

The Scottsdale Civic Center Master Plan is the result of an extensive internal and external outreach process with Scottsdale Citizens, Civic Center Operations Team, Scottsdale Arts, Local Businesses and City Leadership. Outreach efforts gathered past, present, and future narrative of the City of Scottsdale incorporating multiple perspectives, including those of governmental agencies, special task forces, adjacent commercial and residential neighbors and the public at large. The collaboration allowed for the creation of a conceptual master plan that upgrades the current facility without extensive changes to its familiar and well-regarded characteristics. The goal of this plan is to create a more desirable and useful city center with multiple "event ready" venues functioning at high efficiency. The result will reboot Scottsdale Civic Center as the city's premier destination for arts + cultural events, urban open space, and essential municipal functions.

scottsdale, az 

+/- 600K sq ft master plan


floor associates





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